Thursday, January 29, 2009

My top 5

1. Love from my family
2. Diet Mountain Dew! Even though it is diet, it is still not good for me.
3.Going Out. Being a stay at home Mom is what I've always wanted but I do love to get out of the house and have some grown up fun! Not sure if I do this enough but I do crave it.
4. Ellen, I love her show! I have it recorded so I can watch it once my kids go to bed.
5. Spin, Mrs. Keetch got me started a year ago. It is a love hate relationship! I love it so much I get up at 5:00 am 4 days a week. The worst part is getting out of bed, well that and sweating up a storm on the bike for an hour, sometimes we do an hour and a half! I love getting off having just burned 500 cals!

I tag Tiff, Tara, Sherami, and Norma's Corner


Al said...

What time???? 5 what? AM?!?!? I need some killer ab moves- lower abs to be exact. Any suggestions? I really need to get rid of my spare "I have had 3 kids" tire! I hate it and it doesn't seem to want to go anywhere!

Pauly said...

You are hardcore! What a fun post.

Krazy Keetch's said...

ok ok ok..I'll do it..since you twisted my arm and stuff :)

Tara Hoppie said...

Great list!

I'll do one later tonight when I get some alone time :-)

Burton said...

Wow, your awesome! Im glad I found your blog!

M-n-M said...

I agree with allison 5am !!!! what !!! or more appropriately HOW??

Way to go - I have tried it a million times and after I hit snooze for 2 hours i get up at 7.

However in some of the posts that you are in - you are looking great


Burton said...

Oh im glad your son is in there, him and bentley need to play!