Friday, May 14, 2010

our first run together

Rick has officially signed up with me to run a half and a full marathon! I thought it would be fun to run a race with him and he agreed. So we decided it would be fun to go on a training run together. It was fun up until we were running uphill in a 13MPH head wind! To make things worse for me, Rick totally kicked my butt! How is this any fair? How come guys can shape up so much faster than us women!! SO NOT FAIR!!! So we might be running in the same races but most likely not together. Good Job Slick Rick! Keep it up!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

catching up part 2

Rick turned 35 in April!

The kids wanted to help make Dad's birthday Cake

Ta Da!

If you watch "The Little Chocolatiers on TLC... this is the store. Rick wanted to go check it out.

The one thing we miss about living in Salt Lake is
We spent the rest of the day playing with the kids at the park.

It was a great Birthday!

catching up

Gavin turned 5 in February!

MS Walk

We knew it was going to be a great day when Rick spotted this out of the crowd of 2 thousand!

Gavin loved riding his scooter through the crowd!
He set our pace and I must say it was pretty fast!

Thank Goodness Rick was with us this year to push the stroller.

This was a great experience for our family.
Nothing like helping others and having a good time while doing it!

We all got finishing medals which the kids love!
Gavin asked me after if we won the race.
Good Times!